ALSI announces a 30-day 30% sale!
Federal (partial list)
- ◊ US Census Bureau
- ◊ Internal Revenue Service
- ◊ Federal Bureau of Investigation
- ◊ Federal Bureau of Prisons
- ◊ Department of Justice- Criminal Division
- ◊ Defense Language Institute
- ◊ Lackland AFB/Medina Joint Language Center
- ◊ Drug Enforcement Administration
- ◊ Federal Aviation Administration
- ◊ Maryland Procurement Office
- ◊ National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA)
- ◊ Defense Intelligence Agency
- ◊ Department of Treasury / FINCEN
- ◊ Department of Agriculture / Foreign Agricultural Service
- ◊ Department of Commerce / Foreign Commercial Service
- ◊ Department of State
- ◊ Foreign Service Institute
- ◊ Centers for Disease Control
- ◊ Social Security Administration
- ◊ US Patent and Trademark Office
Non-Government (partial list)
- ◊ Northrop Grumman Corporation
- ◊ Georgetown University Hospital
- ◊ Booz Allen Hamilton
- ◊ The United Nations
- ◊ World Bank
- ◊ Raytheon
- ◊ AES Corporation